These burdens were laid on the Jews by men, not by God and not by Moses – or Jesus would have made it clear. He even makes it plain that if they wished, they could remove those burdens. Why? It is because the rulings were instituted by men and therefore not divinely binding. Sabbath, which was meant to be a delight,[63] had become a burden – so much so that instead of being permitted to fulfill the commandment to love one’s neighbor, one ran the risk of whatever they did to be forbidden! Now, that is not to say that the religious leaders were without mercy, for their great sages admitted that it was permissible to do good on the Sabbath, and that it fulfilled the law of loving one’s neighbor to pull his animal out of a ditch or heal someone – but like all man-made religious rules, nothing can stop men from using them to make accusations against their enemies.
― Tyler Dawn Rosenquist,
The Bridge: Crossing Over Into the Fullness of Covenant Life
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