She ached for him to touch her. As much as her words said “we can’t” and as much as she was saying “no” in her head, her heart was saying “please kiss me.””Please just grab me and kiss me before I can say no. ― Jacqueline Simon Gunn, Forever and One Day

She ached for him to touch her. As much as her words said
She ached for him to touch her. As much as her words said "we can't" and as much as she was saying "no" in her head, her heart was saying "please kiss me.""Please just grab me and kiss me before I can say no. ― Jacqueline Simon Gunn, Forever and One Day

She ached for him to touch her. As much as her words said “we can’t” and as much as she was saying “no” in her head, her heart was saying “please kiss me.””Please just grab me and kiss me before I can say no.
― Jacqueline Simon Gunn,

Forever and One Day

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