The Soul. Ah, Reason, says the Soul, how wearisome you are, what trouble and what difficulty they suffer who live by your advice! Reason, says the Soul, if I am loved2 to all eternity by the three persons of the Trinity, I have also been loved by them from all eternity. For just as in his goodness God will love me to all eternity, just so I have been known3 to his wisdom as she who would be created by the work of his divine power. So therefore, since from the time4 that God, who is without beginning, has existed, I have been present in the divine knowledge, and shall be there without end; from that time, says the Soul, did he in his goodness love the work which he would perform in me by his divine power. ― Marguerite Porete, The Mirror of Simple Souls

The Soul. Ah, Reason, says the Soul, how wearisome you are, what trouble and what difficulty they suffer who live by your advice! Reason, says the Soul, if I am loved2 to all eternity by the three persons of the Trinity, I have also been loved by them from all eternity. For just as in his goodness God will love me to all eternity, just so I have been known3 to his wisdom as she who would be created by the work of his divine power. So therefore, since from the time4 that God, who is without beginning, has existed, I have been present in the divine knowledge, and shall be there without end; from that time, says the Soul, did he in his goodness love the work which he would perform in me by his divine power.
― Marguerite Porete,
The Mirror of Simple Souls
The Soul. Ah, Reason, says the Soul, how wearisome you are, what trouble and what difficulty they suffer who live by your advice! Reason, says the Soul, if I am loved2 to all eternity by the three persons of the Trinity, I have also been loved by them from all eternity. For just as in his goodness God will love me to all eternity, just so I have been known3 to his wisdom as she who would be created by the work of his divine power. So therefore, since from the time4 that God, who is without beginning, has existed, I have been present in the divine knowledge, and shall be there without end; from that time, says the Soul, did he in his goodness love the work which he would perform in me by his divine power. ― Marguerite Porete, The Mirror of Simple Souls

The Soul. Ah, Reason, says the Soul, how wearisome you are, what trouble and what difficulty they suffer who live by your advice! Reason, says the Soul, if I am loved2 to all eternity by the three persons of the Trinity, I have also been loved by them from all eternity. For just as in his goodness God will love me to all eternity, just so I have been known3 to his wisdom as she who would be created by the work of his divine power. So therefore, since from the time4 that God, who is without beginning, has existed, I have been present in the divine knowledge, and shall be there without end; from that time, says the Soul, did he in his goodness love the work which he would perform in me by his divine power.
― Marguerite Porete,

The Mirror of Simple Souls

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