Alec’s friends were gathered all around him, and his family, and it wasone of those moments when he remembered the desperate loneliness ofwhen he was younger, hopelessly torn between fearing for what he mightnever have, and what he might lose. Alec secured his hold on Magnus’swaist and felt a small incredulous starburst of happiness in his chest: thathe could have all this. ― Cassandra Clare

Alec’s friends were gathered all around him, and his family, and it wasone of those moments when he remembered the desperate loneliness ofwhen he was younger, hopelessly torn between fearing for what he mightnever have, and what he might lose. Alec secured his hold on Magnus’swaist and felt a small incredulous starburst of happiness in his chest: thathe could have all this.
― Cassandra Clare
Alec’s friends were gathered all around him, and his family, and it wasone of those moments when he remembered the desperate loneliness ofwhen he was younger, hopelessly torn between fearing for what he mightnever have, and what he might lose. Alec secured his hold on Magnus’swaist and felt a small incredulous starburst of happiness in his chest: thathe could have all this. ― Cassandra Clare

Alec’s friends were gathered all around him, and his family, and it wasone of those moments when he remembered the desperate loneliness ofwhen he was younger, hopelessly torn between fearing for what he mightnever have, and what he might lose. Alec secured his hold on Magnus’swaist and felt a small incredulous starburst of happiness in his chest: thathe could have all this.
― Cassandra Clare

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