Are you sure that being like everybody else will make you happy?””I don’t know any other way.””Let me show you.”And then we’re kissing. Or at least, I think we’re kissing—I’ve only seen it done a couple of times, quick closed-mouth pecks at weddings or on formal occasions. But this isn’t like anything I’ve ever seen, or imagined, or even dreamed: this is like music or dancing but better than both. ― Lauren Oliver, Delirium

Are you sure that being like everybody else will make you happy?
Are you sure that being like everybody else will make you happy?""I don't know any other way.""Let me show you."And then we're kissing. Or at least, I think we're kissing—I've only seen it done a couple of times, quick closed-mouth pecks at weddings or on formal occasions. But this isn't like anything I've ever seen, or imagined, or even dreamed: this is like music or dancing but better than both. ― Lauren Oliver, Delirium

Are you sure that being like everybody else will make you happy?””I don’t know any other way.””Let me show you.”And then we’re kissing. Or at least, I think we’re kissing—I’ve only seen it done a couple of times, quick closed-mouth pecks at weddings or on formal occasions. But this isn’t like anything I’ve ever seen, or imagined, or even dreamed: this is like music or dancing but better than both.
― Lauren Oliver,


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