COKANE [looking compassionately at him] Ah, my dear fellow, the love of money is the root of all evil. LICKCHEESE. Yes, sir; and we’d all like to have the tree growing in our garden. ― George Bernard Shaw, Widowers’ Houses

COKANE [looking compassionately at him] Ah, my dear fellow, the love of money is the root of all evil. LICKCHEESE. Yes, sir; and we’d all like to have the tree growing in our garden.
― George Bernard Shaw,
Widowers' Houses
COKANE [looking compassionately at him] Ah, my dear fellow, the love of money is the root of all evil. LICKCHEESE. Yes, sir; and we’d all like to have the tree growing in our garden. ― George Bernard Shaw, Widowers' Houses

COKANE [looking compassionately at him] Ah, my dear fellow, the love of money is the root of all evil. LICKCHEESE. Yes, sir; and we’d all like to have the tree growing in our garden.
― George Bernard Shaw,

Widowers’ Houses

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