Diana, would you marry someone for money?” I asked her out of the blue one afternoon during her lunch break. Without missing a beat, she made a contemplative noise. “It depends.How much money?” It was right then I knew I’d called the wrong person. I should have dialed Oscar, my slightly younger brother, instead. He’d always been wise beyond his years. Diana…not so much. I only told her the partial truth. “What if someone bought you a house?” She “hmmed” and then “hmmed” a little more. “A nice house?””It wouldn’t be a mansion, you greedy whore, but I’m not talking about a dump or anything either.” I figured at least. ― Mariana Zapata, The Wall of Winnipeg and Me

Diana, would you marry someone for money?
Diana, would you marry someone for money?" I asked her out of the blue one afternoon during her lunch break. Without missing a beat, she made a contemplative noise. "It depends.How much money?" It was right then I knew I'd called the wrong person. I should have dialed Oscar, my slightly younger brother, instead. He'd always been wise beyond his years. Diana...not so much. I only told her the partial truth. "What if someone bought you a house?" She "hmmed" and then "hmmed" a little more. "A nice house?""It wouldn't be a mansion, you greedy whore, but I'm not talking about a dump or anything either." I figured at least. ― Mariana Zapata, The Wall of Winnipeg and Me

Diana, would you marry someone for money?” I asked her out of the blue one afternoon during her lunch break. Without missing a beat, she made a contemplative noise. “It depends.How much money?” It was right then I knew I’d called the wrong person. I should have dialed Oscar, my slightly younger brother, instead. He’d always been wise beyond his years. Diana…not so much. I only told her the partial truth. “What if someone bought you a house?” She “hmmed” and then “hmmed” a little more. “A nice house?””It wouldn’t be a mansion, you greedy whore, but I’m not talking about a dump or anything either.” I figured at least.
― Mariana Zapata,

The Wall of Winnipeg and Me

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