Home LoveQuotes Didn’t It belong to her just a little bit, not in a...

Didn’t It belong to her just a little bit, not in a material way but in the way a house always belonged to all those who have lived and loved and suffered in it? As if it had kept behind a small part of your soul. ― Beatriz Williams, The Forgotten Room

Didn't It belong to her just a little bit, not in a material way but in the way a house always belonged to all those who have lived and loved and suffered in it? As if it had kept behind a small part of your soul.
― Beatriz Williams,
The Forgotten Room
Didn't It belong to her just a little bit, not in a material way but in the way a house always belonged to all those who have lived and loved and suffered in it? As if it had kept behind a small part of your soul. ― Beatriz Williams, The Forgotten Room

Didn’t It belong to her just a little bit, not in a material way but in the way a house always belonged to all those who have lived and loved and suffered in it? As if it had kept behind a small part of your soul.
― Beatriz Williams,

The Forgotten Room

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