Don’t misunderstand! Amory ad loved Rosalind as he would never love another living person. She had taken the first flush of his youth and brought from his unplumbed depth tenderness that had surprised him, gentleness and unselfishness that he had never given to another creature. He had later affairs, but of a different sort: in those he went back to that, perhaps, more typical frame of mind, in which the girl became the mirror of a mood in him. ― F. Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise

Don't misunderstand! Amory ad loved Rosalind as he would never love another living person. She had taken the first flush of his youth and brought from his unplumbed depth tenderness that had surprised him, gentleness and unselfishness that he had never given to another creature. He had later affairs, but of a different sort: in those he went back to that, perhaps, more typical frame of mind, in which the girl became the mirror of a mood in him.
― F. Scott Fitzgerald,
This Side of Paradise
Don't misunderstand! Amory ad loved Rosalind as he would never love another living person. She had taken the first flush of his youth and brought from his unplumbed depth tenderness that had surprised him, gentleness and unselfishness that he had never given to another creature. He had later affairs, but of a different sort: in those he went back to that, perhaps, more typical frame of mind, in which the girl became the mirror of a mood in him. ― F. Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise

Don’t misunderstand! Amory ad loved Rosalind as he would never love another living person. She had taken the first flush of his youth and brought from his unplumbed depth tenderness that had surprised him, gentleness and unselfishness that he had never given to another creature. He had later affairs, but of a different sort: in those he went back to that, perhaps, more typical frame of mind, in which the girl became the mirror of a mood in him.
― F. Scott Fitzgerald,

This Side of Paradise

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