faith and trust in the kindness of others is a hard-won oblivion, is a very strong armor. It may hurt, in the short run, to have an open, trusting heart. It may mean, in the short run, that you are weak. But in the long run it can mean survival. It takes a kind of courage to be kind. ― Kaitlyn Greenidge, We Love You, Charlie Freeman

faith and trust in the kindness of others is a hard-won oblivion, is a very strong armor. It may hurt, in the short run, to have an open, trusting heart. It may mean, in the short run, that you are weak. But in the long run it can mean survival. It takes a kind of courage to be kind.
― Kaitlyn Greenidge,
We Love You, Charlie Freeman
faith and trust in the kindness of others is a hard-won oblivion, is a very strong armor. It may hurt, in the short run, to have an open, trusting heart. It may mean, in the short run, that you are weak. But in the long run it can mean survival. It takes a kind of courage to be kind. ― Kaitlyn Greenidge, We Love You, Charlie Freeman

faith and trust in the kindness of others is a hard-won oblivion, is a very strong armor. It may hurt, in the short run, to have an open, trusting heart. It may mean, in the short run, that you are weak. But in the long run it can mean survival. It takes a kind of courage to be kind.
― Kaitlyn Greenidge,

We Love You, Charlie Freeman

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