I plan to let Lysander rip the garment off me, make love to me in the dirtiest way possible, and then, while he’s trying to catch his breath, drop the big, bad bombshell on him and run like hell.Bianka to Kaia ― Gena Showalter, The Darkest Surrender

I plan to let Lysander rip the garment off me, make love to me in the dirtiest way possible, and then, while he’s trying to catch his breath, drop the big, bad bombshell on him and run like hell.Bianka to Kaia
― Gena Showalter,
The Darkest Surrender
I plan to let Lysander rip the garment off me, make love to me in the dirtiest way possible, and then, while he’s trying to catch his breath, drop the big, bad bombshell on him and run like hell.Bianka to Kaia ― Gena Showalter, The Darkest Surrender

I plan to let Lysander rip the garment off me, make love to me in the dirtiest way possible, and then, while he’s trying to catch his breath, drop the big, bad bombshell on him and run like hell.Bianka to Kaia
― Gena Showalter,

The Darkest Surrender

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