I wish our lives were quieter, no doubt. But for the rest of it…I love you because of who you are.””Flaws and all?””You have flaws?” I asked in mock surprise.He snorted and butted his shoulder against mine. “Devil.””I’m an angel,” I protested. “A fallen one.” But it drew a grin from him. ― Jordan L. Hawk

I wish our lives were quieter, no doubt. But for the rest of it...I love you because of who you are.
I wish our lives were quieter, no doubt. But for the rest of it...I love you because of who you are.""Flaws and all?""You have flaws?" I asked in mock surprise.He snorted and butted his shoulder against mine. "Devil.""I'm an angel," I protested. "A fallen one." But it drew a grin from him. ― Jordan L. Hawk

I wish our lives were quieter, no doubt. But for the rest of it…I love you because of who you are.””Flaws and all?””You have flaws?” I asked in mock surprise.He snorted and butted his shoulder against mine. “Devil.””I’m an angel,” I protested. “A fallen one.” But it drew a grin from him.
― Jordan L. Hawk

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