I’m trained as an architect; writing is like architecture. In buildings, there are design motifs that occur again and again, that repeat — patterns, curves. These motifs help us feel comfortable in a physical space. And the same works in writing, I’ve found. For me, the way words, punctuation and paragraphs fall on the page is important as well — the graphic design of the language. That was why the words and thoughts of Estha and Rahel, the twins, were so playful on the page … I was being creative with their design. Words were broken apart, and then sometimes fused together. “Later” became “Lay. Ter.” “An owl” became “A Nowl.” “Sour metal smell” became “sourmetal smell.”Repetition I love, and used because it made me feel safe. Repeated words and phrases have a rocking feeling, like a lullaby. They help take away the shock of the plot — death, lives destroyed or the horror of the settings — a crazy, chaotic, emotional house, the sinister movie theater.
― Arundhati Roy
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