It is the fire that consumes me;It is an inexplicable love,It is the rain that calms me;It is a melody from above.It is the wind that humbles me;It is everywhere and nowhere,It is the sand that fuels me;It is the artistry of nature.I’m consumed by what I am,I’m calmed by a riotous noise,I’m humbled through arrogance,I’m fueled by what is in poise.I’ve much cherished the mystifying,I’ve heard the unreal symphonies,I’ve been moved by the inevitable,And I’ve hailed the epiphanies. ― Zubair Ahsan

It is the fire that consumes me;It is an inexplicable love,It is the rain that calms me;It is a melody from above.It is the wind that humbles me;It is everywhere and nowhere,It is the sand that fuels me;It is the artistry of nature.I’m consumed by what I am,I’m calmed by a riotous noise,I’m humbled through arrogance,I’m fueled by what is in poise.I’ve much cherished the mystifying,I’ve heard the unreal symphonies,I’ve been moved by the inevitable,And I’ve hailed the epiphanies.
― Zubair Ahsan
It is the fire that consumes me;It is an inexplicable love,It is the rain that calms me;It is a melody from above.It is the wind that humbles me;It is everywhere and nowhere,It is the sand that fuels me;It is the artistry of nature.I’m consumed by what I am,I’m calmed by a riotous noise,I’m humbled through arrogance,I’m fueled by what is in poise.I’ve much cherished the mystifying,I’ve heard the unreal symphonies,I’ve been moved by the inevitable,And I’ve hailed the epiphanies. ― Zubair Ahsan

It is the fire that consumes me;It is an inexplicable love,It is the rain that calms me;It is a melody from above.It is the wind that humbles me;It is everywhere and nowhere,It is the sand that fuels me;It is the artistry of nature.I’m consumed by what I am,I’m calmed by a riotous noise,I’m humbled through arrogance,I’m fueled by what is in poise.I’ve much cherished the mystifying,I’ve heard the unreal symphonies,I’ve been moved by the inevitable,And I’ve hailed the epiphanies.
― Zubair Ahsan

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