It was as if a part of her mind dwelt in him and a part of his mind dwelt in her, and when she was separated from him a part of herself was missing. ― Charlie Lovett, First Impressions: A Novel of Old Books, Unexpected Love, and Jane Austen

It was as if a part of her mind dwelt in him and a part of his mind dwelt in her, and when she was separated from him a part of herself was missing.
― Charlie Lovett,
First Impressions: A Novel of Old Books, Unexpected Love, and Jane Austen
It was as if a part of her mind dwelt in him and a part of his mind dwelt in her, and when she was separated from him a part of herself was missing. ― Charlie Lovett, First Impressions: A Novel of Old Books, Unexpected Love, and Jane Austen

It was as if a part of her mind dwelt in him and a part of his mind dwelt in her, and when she was separated from him a part of herself was missing.
― Charlie Lovett,

First Impressions: A Novel of Old Books, Unexpected Love, and Jane Austen

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