It’s when you realize that two individuals are not growing together, that they’re growing apart. At that time, you realize in that growing apart, that they’re not so much growing apart but with the understanding of magnetics and relationships, they’re being pulled apart. There’s a sort of repulsion happening, that the disagreement between them is greater than the agreement, and that disagreement is magnetically pushing them away from each other. An observance and awareness are needed of the actual repulsion. But with all things, if those individuals choose to see that the repulsion is happening and do not wish for it they can always choose to find common ground and reverse that effect, and begin to attract in a very harmonic way. But in disharmony, there’s only a matter of when it will naturally happen. Generally, in a universal sense we try not to force these occurrences it must occur naturally. When you see that the disagreement and disharmony are greater than the agreement and harmony then it will become a natural repulsion that will create the separation.
― Shalom Melchizedek,
Learning To Love: And The Power of Sacred Sexual Spiritual Partnerships
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