Just two men. Born in different years and different towns, but close enough to maybe hear the same trains, to watch the same clouds, to smell the same storms hitting dirt, to come together like magnets. ― Laura Elizabeth Woollett

    Just two men. Born in different years and different towns, but close enough to maybe hear the same trains, to watch the same clouds, to smell the same storms hitting dirt, to come together like magnets.
― Laura Elizabeth Woollett
    Just two men. Born in different years and different towns, but close enough to maybe hear the same trains, to watch the same clouds, to smell the same storms hitting dirt, to come together like magnets. ― Laura Elizabeth Woollett

    Just two men. Born in different years and different towns, but close enough to maybe hear the same trains, to watch the same clouds, to smell the same storms hitting dirt, to come together like magnets.
    ― Laura Elizabeth Woollett

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