Life is hard, unfair, painful. But life is also guaranteed – one hundred percent, no doubt, no question – to offer unexpected and sudden moments of beauty, joy, love, acceptance, euphoria.” The good stuff. It is our ability to recognize and then hold on to the moments of good stuff that allows us to survive, even thrive. And when we can share the beauty, hope is restored. ― Nina Sankovitch, Tolstoy and the Purple Chair: My Year of Magical Reading

Life is hard, unfair, painful. But life is also guaranteed - one hundred percent, no doubt, no question - to offer unexpected and sudden moments of beauty, joy, love, acceptance, euphoria.
Life is hard, unfair, painful. But life is also guaranteed - one hundred percent, no doubt, no question - to offer unexpected and sudden moments of beauty, joy, love, acceptance, euphoria." The good stuff. It is our ability to recognize and then hold on to the moments of good stuff that allows us to survive, even thrive. And when we can share the beauty, hope is restored. ― Nina Sankovitch, Tolstoy and the Purple Chair: My Year of Magical Reading

Life is hard, unfair, painful. But life is also guaranteed – one hundred percent, no doubt, no question – to offer unexpected and sudden moments of beauty, joy, love, acceptance, euphoria.” The good stuff. It is our ability to recognize and then hold on to the moments of good stuff that allows us to survive, even thrive. And when we can share the beauty, hope is restored.
― Nina Sankovitch,

Tolstoy and the Purple Chair: My Year of Magical Reading

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