Love [is] supposed to move mountains, to make the world go round, to be all you need, but it [falls] apart at the deatils. It [can’t] save a single person. ― Jodi Picoult, Nineteen Minutes

Love [is] supposed to move mountains, to make the world go round, to be all you need, but it [falls] apart at the deatils. It [can't] save a single person.
― Jodi Picoult,
Nineteen Minutes
Love [is] supposed to move mountains, to make the world go round, to be all you need, but it [falls] apart at the deatils. It [can't] save a single person. ― Jodi Picoult, Nineteen Minutes

Love [is] supposed to move mountains, to make the world go round, to be all you need, but it [falls] apart at the deatils. It [can’t] save a single person.
― Jodi Picoult,

Nineteen Minutes

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