…Love, my lads! And above all, love pretty, charming girls; they are the remedy for evil, they give a sweet smell to rottenness, they exchange life for death…Love, my lads! ― Machado de Assis, Dom Casmurro

...Love, my lads! And above all, love pretty, charming girls; they are the remedy for evil, they give a sweet smell to rottenness, they exchange life for death...Love, my lads!
― Machado de Assis,
Dom Casmurro
...Love, my lads! And above all, love pretty, charming girls; they are the remedy for evil, they give a sweet smell to rottenness, they exchange life for death...Love, my lads! ― Machado de Assis, Dom Casmurro

…Love, my lads! And above all, love pretty, charming girls; they are the remedy for evil, they give a sweet smell to rottenness, they exchange life for death…Love, my lads!
― Machado de Assis,

Dom Casmurro

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