Maybe I could be a hero, just once. Forgotten over time, but alive in the memories of those I loved. That would be enough. If I could just do that, I’d die a happy man. ― Bella Forrest, Harley Merlin and the Mortal Pact

Maybe I could be a hero, just once. Forgotten over time, but alive in the memories of those I loved. That would be enough. If I could just do that, I’d die a happy man.
― Bella Forrest,
Harley Merlin and the Mortal Pact
Maybe I could be a hero, just once. Forgotten over time, but alive in the memories of those I loved. That would be enough. If I could just do that, I’d die a happy man. ― Bella Forrest, Harley Merlin and the Mortal Pact

Maybe I could be a hero, just once. Forgotten over time, but alive in the memories of those I loved. That would be enough. If I could just do that, I’d die a happy man.
― Bella Forrest,

Harley Merlin and the Mortal Pact

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