Montana? I never had the loving upbringing like a lot of friends, but at least I’d found the Corps. It shaped me into the man I was, for good or bad. It gave me three hot meals a day, training, and a family. More than anything, it taught me how to tough ― C. G. Cooper, Fallen

Montana? I never had the loving upbringing like a lot of friends, but at least I’d found the Corps. It shaped me into the man I was, for good or bad. It gave me three hot meals a day, training, and a family. More than anything, it taught me how to tough
― C. G. Cooper,
Montana? I never had the loving upbringing like a lot of friends, but at least I’d found the Corps. It shaped me into the man I was, for good or bad. It gave me three hot meals a day, training, and a family. More than anything, it taught me how to tough ― C. G. Cooper, Fallen

Montana? I never had the loving upbringing like a lot of friends, but at least I’d found the Corps. It shaped me into the man I was, for good or bad. It gave me three hot meals a day, training, and a family. More than anything, it taught me how to tough
― C. G. Cooper,


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