My, I was scared!” Said Billy with a deep breath.Scared?” Questioned Elnora.Yes, sir-ee! Aunt Margaret scared me. May i ask you a question?”Of course, you may!”Is that man going to be you beau?”Billy! No! What made you think such a thing?”Aunt Margaret said likely he would fall in love with you, and you wouldn’t want me around any more. Oh, but I was scared! It isn’t so, is it?”Indeed, no!”I am your beau, ain’t I?”Surely you are!” said Elnora, tightening her arm.I hope Aunt Kate has ginger cookies,” said Billy with a little skip of delight. ― Gene Stratton-Porter

My, I was scared!
My, I was scared!" Said Billy with a deep breath.Scared?" Questioned Elnora.Yes, sir-ee! Aunt Margaret scared me. May i ask you a question?"Of course, you may!"Is that man going to be you beau?"Billy! No! What made you think such a thing?"Aunt Margaret said likely he would fall in love with you, and you wouldn't want me around any more. Oh, but I was scared! It isn't so, is it?"Indeed, no!"I am your beau, ain't I?"Surely you are!" said Elnora, tightening her arm.I hope Aunt Kate has ginger cookies," said Billy with a little skip of delight. ― Gene Stratton-Porter

My, I was scared!” Said Billy with a deep breath.Scared?” Questioned Elnora.Yes, sir-ee! Aunt Margaret scared me. May i ask you a question?”Of course, you may!”Is that man going to be you beau?”Billy! No! What made you think such a thing?”Aunt Margaret said likely he would fall in love with you, and you wouldn’t want me around any more. Oh, but I was scared! It isn’t so, is it?”Indeed, no!”I am your beau, ain’t I?”Surely you are!” said Elnora, tightening her arm.I hope Aunt Kate has ginger cookies,” said Billy with a little skip of delight.
― Gene Stratton-Porter

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