My mother was addicted to being rich, to servants and unlimited charge accounts, to giving lavish dinner parties, to taking frequent first-class trips to Europe. So one might say she was tormented by withdrawal symptoms all through the Great Depression. She was acculturated! Acculturated persons are those who find that they are no longer treated as the sort of people they thought they were, because the outside world has changed. An economic misfortune or a new technology, or being conquered by another country or political faction, can do that to people quicker than you can say Jack Robinson. As Trout wrote in his An American Family Marooned on the Planet Pluto: Nothing wrecks any kind of love more effectively than the discovery that your previously acceptable behavior has become ridiculous. He said in conversation at the 2001 clambake: If I hadn’t learned how to live without a culture and a society, acculturation would have broken my heart a thousand times. *** ― Kurt Vonnegut, Timequake

My mother was addicted to being rich, to servants and unlimited charge accounts, to giving lavish dinner parties, to taking frequent first-class trips to Europe. So one might say she was tormented by withdrawal symptoms all through the Great Depression. She was acculturated! Acculturated persons are those who find that they are no longer treated as the sort of people they thought they were, because the outside world has changed. An economic misfortune or a new technology, or being conquered by another country or political faction, can do that to people quicker than you can say Jack Robinson. As Trout wrote in his An American Family Marooned on the Planet Pluto: Nothing wrecks any kind of love more effectively than the discovery that your previously acceptable behavior has become ridiculous. He said in conversation at the 2001 clambake: If I hadn’t learned how to live without a culture and a society, acculturation would have broken my heart a thousand times. ***
― Kurt Vonnegut,
My mother was addicted to being rich, to servants and unlimited charge accounts, to giving lavish dinner parties, to taking frequent first-class trips to Europe. So one might say she was tormented by withdrawal symptoms all through the Great Depression. She was acculturated! Acculturated persons are those who find that they are no longer treated as the sort of people they thought they were, because the outside world has changed. An economic misfortune or a new technology, or being conquered by another country or political faction, can do that to people quicker than you can say Jack Robinson. As Trout wrote in his An American Family Marooned on the Planet Pluto: Nothing wrecks any kind of love more effectively than the discovery that your previously acceptable behavior has become ridiculous. He said in conversation at the 2001 clambake: If I hadn’t learned how to live without a culture and a society, acculturation would have broken my heart a thousand times. *** ― Kurt Vonnegut, Timequake

My mother was addicted to being rich, to servants and unlimited charge accounts, to giving lavish dinner parties, to taking frequent first-class trips to Europe. So one might say she was tormented by withdrawal symptoms all through the Great Depression. She was acculturated! Acculturated persons are those who find that they are no longer treated as the sort of people they thought they were, because the outside world has changed. An economic misfortune or a new technology, or being conquered by another country or political faction, can do that to people quicker than you can say Jack Robinson. As Trout wrote in his An American Family Marooned on the Planet Pluto: Nothing wrecks any kind of love more effectively than the discovery that your previously acceptable behavior has become ridiculous. He said in conversation at the 2001 clambake: If I hadn’t learned how to live without a culture and a society, acculturation would have broken my heart a thousand times. ***
― Kurt Vonnegut,


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