Now.’ He said, ‘I have to ask you three question. How old are you? Are you in love? And what in God’s name are you doing here? ― Elaine Dundy, The Dud Avocado

Now.' He said, 'I have to ask you three question. How old are you? Are you in love? And what in God’s name are you doing here?
― Elaine Dundy,
The Dud Avocado
Now.' He said, 'I have to ask you three question. How old are you? Are you in love? And what in God’s name are you doing here? ― Elaine Dundy, The Dud Avocado

Now.’ He said, ‘I have to ask you three question. How old are you? Are you in love? And what in God’s name are you doing here?
― Elaine Dundy,

The Dud Avocado

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