Quite often I was questioned as to why I had chosen a sex toy business. My professional answer was that I’d seen a hole in the market and stepped in to fill the void. Pun intended. The real answer was far more straightforward. I. Loved. Pussy. ― Evie Harrison, Sin’s Temptation

Quite often I was questioned as to why I had chosen a sex toy business. My professional answer was that I’d seen a hole in the market and stepped in to fill the void. Pun intended. The real answer was far more straightforward. I. Loved. Pussy.
― Evie Harrison,
Sin's Temptation
Quite often I was questioned as to why I had chosen a sex toy business. My professional answer was that I’d seen a hole in the market and stepped in to fill the void. Pun intended. The real answer was far more straightforward. I. Loved. Pussy. ― Evie Harrison, Sin's Temptation

Quite often I was questioned as to why I had chosen a sex toy business. My professional answer was that I’d seen a hole in the market and stepped in to fill the void. Pun intended. The real answer was far more straightforward. I. Loved. Pussy.
― Evie Harrison,

Sin’s Temptation

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