She was up again at that.”In love? You? Nonsense! Nonsense! Nonsense! You do not know what the word means. You are like a–like a fish, with no more love in you than a fish, and no more heart than a fish, and–“”Spare me the rest, I beg. I am very clammy, I make no doubt, but you will at least accord me more brain than a fish? ― Georgette Heyer, The Black Moth

She was up again at that.
She was up again at that."In love? You? Nonsense! Nonsense! Nonsense! You do not know what the word means. You are like a--like a fish, with no more love in you than a fish, and no more heart than a fish, and--""Spare me the rest, I beg. I am very clammy, I make no doubt, but you will at least accord me more brain than a fish? ― Georgette Heyer, The Black Moth

She was up again at that.”In love? You? Nonsense! Nonsense! Nonsense! You do not know what the word means. You are like a–like a fish, with no more love in you than a fish, and no more heart than a fish, and–“”Spare me the rest, I beg. I am very clammy, I make no doubt, but you will at least accord me more brain than a fish?
― Georgette Heyer,

The Black Moth

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