Simon’s lying on the ground. His wing is bent the wrong way.Lamb: “Yes, all right, I’ve betrayed you. Just keep your cool, Baz, and you’ll live to hate me for it.”I’ll live…Simon.We heard gunshots. On the other side of the hill. And then we didn’t.Simon’s on the ground, his wing is bent the wrong way. Someone should fix it for him. Someone should cast a spell. I’d cast it, but I’m in a dead spot. I’m in a Quiet Zone. I’m keeping my wand a secret, I’m pretending to be a vampire.”Simon…”Simon Snow.The way you were. There wasn’t a day I believed we’d both live through it.(Through what, through what, through what?)Lamb: “The treaty holds!”Simon:Simon is on the ground. There were gunshots, and then there weren’t. His wing is bent the wrong way. His hair is a mess. He doesn’t have a sword.I told him it would be alright.I told him…I didn’t tell him, I never told him. Not in a way that he believed. Not in a way that he could let in and hold onto. Everything he was to me. That he was everything.Simon, Simon…You were the sun, and I was crashing into you.I’d wake up every morning and tell myself…I’d tell myself…”You live in fear! In denial!”Simon is on the ground. His wing is bent the wrong way. His blood is red and abundant. It smells like brown butter. His hair is a mess, his face is in the sand. He doesn’t know how much I love him. He’s never really heard it.I’d wake up every morning and tell myself…”Simon, love, get up. We still have to save Agatha.”Simon is on the ground.This will end in flames.
― Rainbow Rowell,
Wayward Son
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