Sometimes it seems that you’ve forgotten me. But I’m happy with that. Because forgetting me will only give you the chance to remember me. But I never remember you, coz you’re always on my mind. ― Sajan Kc., After Love

Sometimes it seems that you've forgotten me. But I'm happy with that. Because forgetting me will only give you the chance to remember me. But I never remember you, coz you're always on my mind.
― Sajan Kc.,
After Love
Sometimes it seems that you've forgotten me. But I'm happy with that. Because forgetting me will only give you the chance to remember me. But I never remember you, coz you're always on my mind. ― Sajan Kc., After Love

Sometimes it seems that you’ve forgotten me. But I’m happy with that. Because forgetting me will only give you the chance to remember me. But I never remember you, coz you’re always on my mind.
― Sajan Kc.,

After Love

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