Home LoveQuotes Strephon kissed me in the spring,Robin in the fall,But Colin only looked...

Strephon kissed me in the spring,Robin in the fall,But Colin only looked at me,And never kissed at all.Strephon’s kiss was lost in jest,Robin’s lost in play,But the kiss in Colin’s eyesHaunts me night and day. ― Sarah Teasdale

Strephon kissed me in the spring,Robin in the fall,But Colin only looked at me,And never kissed at all.Strephon's kiss was lost in jest,Robin's lost in play,But the kiss in Colin's eyesHaunts me night and day.
― Sarah Teasdale
Strephon kissed me in the spring,Robin in the fall,But Colin only looked at me,And never kissed at all.Strephon's kiss was lost in jest,Robin's lost in play,But the kiss in Colin's eyesHaunts me night and day. ― Sarah Teasdale

Strephon kissed me in the spring,Robin in the fall,But Colin only looked at me,And never kissed at all.Strephon’s kiss was lost in jest,Robin’s lost in play,But the kiss in Colin’s eyesHaunts me night and day.
― Sarah Teasdale

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