The account in the gospel of John says three times that Jesus was angry. One of the words used is the Greek term for “furious indignation” – the word used by Aeschylus to describe war horses rearing up on their hind legs, snorting through their nostrils, and charging into battle. This was the reaction of Jesus of Nazareth when face to face with a loved one’s death. The world that God created good and beautiful and whole was now broken and in ruins. In moments Jesus was going to do something, but his first response was outrage – instinctive, blazing outrage. Clearly, death was even worse in his eyes than in ours. ― Os Guinness, Long Journey Home: A Guide to Your Search for the Meaning of Life

The account in the gospel of John says three times that Jesus was angry. One of the words used is the Greek term for
The account in the gospel of John says three times that Jesus was angry. One of the words used is the Greek term for "furious indignation" - the word used by Aeschylus to describe war horses rearing up on their hind legs, snorting through their nostrils, and charging into battle. This was the reaction of Jesus of Nazareth when face to face with a loved one's death. The world that God created good and beautiful and whole was now broken and in ruins. In moments Jesus was going to do something, but his first response was outrage - instinctive, blazing outrage. Clearly, death was even worse in his eyes than in ours. ― Os Guinness, Long Journey Home: A Guide to Your Search for the Meaning of Life

The account in the gospel of John says three times that Jesus was angry. One of the words used is the Greek term for “furious indignation” – the word used by Aeschylus to describe war horses rearing up on their hind legs, snorting through their nostrils, and charging into battle. This was the reaction of Jesus of Nazareth when face to face with a loved one’s death. The world that God created good and beautiful and whole was now broken and in ruins. In moments Jesus was going to do something, but his first response was outrage – instinctive, blazing outrage. Clearly, death was even worse in his eyes than in ours.
― Os Guinness,

Long Journey Home: A Guide to Your Search for the Meaning of Life

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