The hours tick by as I lie in bed.Memories keep surfacing, tormenting me into unbelievable sadness. I can’t bring myself to move. I can’t fight the memories that keep filling my thoughts. I stay curled in the fetal position as each memory plays out. I can’t stop them from coming. I can’t make them go away. Nothing can distract me. I can’t block the memories, so they continue to come. ― Ashley Earley, Alone in Paris

The hours tick by as I lie in bed.Memories keep surfacing, tormenting me into unbelievable sadness. I can't bring myself to move. I can't fight the memories that keep filling my thoughts. I stay curled in the fetal position as each memory plays out. I can't stop them from coming. I can't make them go away. Nothing can distract me. I can't block the memories, so they continue to come.
― Ashley Earley,
Alone in Paris
The hours tick by as I lie in bed.Memories keep surfacing, tormenting me into unbelievable sadness. I can't bring myself to move. I can't fight the memories that keep filling my thoughts. I stay curled in the fetal position as each memory plays out. I can't stop them from coming. I can't make them go away. Nothing can distract me. I can't block the memories, so they continue to come. ― Ashley Earley, Alone in Paris

The hours tick by as I lie in bed.Memories keep surfacing, tormenting me into unbelievable sadness. I can’t bring myself to move. I can’t fight the memories that keep filling my thoughts. I stay curled in the fetal position as each memory plays out. I can’t stop them from coming. I can’t make them go away. Nothing can distract me. I can’t block the memories, so they continue to come.
― Ashley Earley,

Alone in Paris

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