There are three things that make people happy, the people they love, the things they do, and what they hope for, I think I know who you love and I know what you hope for but what do you do to make you happy ― Dominique Thomas, They Way That I Love You

There are three things that make people happy, the people they love, the things they do, and what they hope for, I think I know who you love and I know what you hope for but what do you do to make you happy
― Dominique  Thomas,
They Way That I Love You
There are three things that make people happy, the people they love, the things they do, and what they hope for, I think I know who you love and I know what you hope for but what do you do to make you happy ― Dominique Thomas, They Way That I Love You

There are three things that make people happy, the people they love, the things they do, and what they hope for, I think I know who you love and I know what you hope for but what do you do to make you happy
― Dominique Thomas,

They Way That I Love You

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