This is the first time I’m meeting your dad and your brothers…all at the same time…and you want me to calm down? I said, climbing onto his bike behind him.He angled his neck, touching my cheek as he kissed me. They’re going to love you, just like I do. ― Jamie McGuire, Beautiful Disaster

This is the first time I’m meeting your dad and your brothers…all at the same time…and you want me to calm down? I said, climbing onto his bike behind him.He angled his neck, touching my cheek as he kissed me. They’re going to love you, just like I do.
― Jamie McGuire,
Beautiful Disaster
This is the first time I’m meeting your dad and your brothers…all at the same time…and you want me to calm down? I said, climbing onto his bike behind him.He angled his neck, touching my cheek as he kissed me. They’re going to love you, just like I do. ― Jamie McGuire, Beautiful Disaster

This is the first time I’m meeting your dad and your brothers…all at the same time…and you want me to calm down? I said, climbing onto his bike behind him.He angled his neck, touching my cheek as he kissed me. They’re going to love you, just like I do.
― Jamie McGuire,

Beautiful Disaster

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