This woman controls my heartbeats. Every love lyric I sing each night is made for her. Every melody chases her heartbeat, and every chorus begs for her love. It has been brought to my attention that a few people on my management team have chosen to approach the love of my life and tell her that she wasn’t good for my image. Due to her looks and the past she had no say in creating, they said she wasn’t good enough. It’s true, we grew up in the same town, but that didn’t mean our home lives were built on the same steady foundation. I was blessed enough to never know struggle. This girl had to fight tooth and nail for everything she was given. She sacrificed her own youth, because she didn’t want her little sister to go into the foster system. She gave up love, in order for me to go chase my dreams. She gives and gives in order to make others happy, because that’s the person she is.She’s the most beautiful human being alive, and for anyone–especially people who are supposed to be in my corner–to say differently disgusts me to my core. I am not a robot. I hurt, I ache, I love, and I cry. And it breaks me to live in a world where I have to be afraid of showing who I really am in order to gain followers.So if you don’t like this fact–that I am not single and that I am hopelessly in love–then that’s fine. If I lose fans over this, I’m okay with that. I will make every sacrifice in the world from this point on in order to give my love fully to the woman who has given more than she ever should’ve had to give. I love you, Haze. From the new moon to the fullest. From now until forever.
― Brittainy C. Cherry,
The Wreckage of Us
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