To love another is to cherish the ground upon which they walk; the air that they breathe; the smile which they share; the happiness that they bring into your life and the love that they give so that your heart warms from the inside out. ― Anthony T. Hincks

To love another is to cherish the ground upon which they walk; the air that they breathe; the smile which they share; the happiness that they bring into your life and the love that they give so that your heart warms from the inside out.
― Anthony T. Hincks
To love another is to cherish the ground upon which they walk; the air that they breathe; the smile which they share; the happiness that they bring into your life and the love that they give so that your heart warms from the inside out. ― Anthony T. Hincks

To love another is to cherish the ground upon which they walk; the air that they breathe; the smile which they share; the happiness that they bring into your life and the love that they give so that your heart warms from the inside out.
― Anthony T. Hincks

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