Vaclav has said goodnight to Lena every night since the night she went away. Out loud. In a whisper. […] He filled the words with all his love and care and worry for Lena and launched them out to her, and like homing pigeons, he trusted them to find her. ― Haley Tanner, Vaclav & Lena

Vaclav has said goodnight to Lena every night since the night she went away. Out loud. In a whisper. [...] He filled the words with all his love and care and worry for Lena and launched them out to her, and like homing pigeons, he trusted them to find her.
― Haley Tanner,
Vaclav & Lena
Vaclav has said goodnight to Lena every night since the night she went away. Out loud. In a whisper. [...] He filled the words with all his love and care and worry for Lena and launched them out to her, and like homing pigeons, he trusted them to find her. ― Haley Tanner, Vaclav & Lena

Vaclav has said goodnight to Lena every night since the night she went away. Out loud. In a whisper. […] He filled the words with all his love and care and worry for Lena and launched them out to her, and like homing pigeons, he trusted them to find her.
― Haley Tanner,

Vaclav & Lena

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