Violet!’ Lincoln said, then sighed. ‘You don’t love him. This isn’t real. You know what’s real and it’s hard and it hurts and we can’t…Damn it, Vi–we’re real! ― Jessica Shirvington, Enticed

Violet!' Lincoln said, then sighed. 'You don't love him. This isn't real. You know what's real and it's hard and it hurts and we can't...Damn it, Vi--we're real!
― Jessica Shirvington,
Violet!' Lincoln said, then sighed. 'You don't love him. This isn't real. You know what's real and it's hard and it hurts and we can't...Damn it, Vi--we're real! ― Jessica Shirvington, Enticed

Violet!’ Lincoln said, then sighed. ‘You don’t love him. This isn’t real. You know what’s real and it’s hard and it hurts and we can’t…Damn it, Vi–we’re real!
― Jessica Shirvington,


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