When Buda mentioned that everything is an illusion, he was not being metaphysical but truly practical. When you think you are more important than others, you attract people that think they are more important than you. When you become humble, you attract people humbler than you. The smarter you are, the more you attract people that think you are dumb, because that’s how you look at others from that standpoint. And love? Ah, love, that aphrodisiac emotion everyone is looking for. When you are selfish, you attract the selfish, when you are arrogant, you attract the arrogant, and when you get mad, you attract madness. When you ignore, you are ignored, and if you despise, you will be despised. If you try to change the other person, she will change again, until you can’t change anymore, and that’s when she stops changing. And when you accept the things you actually don’t want to accept, you reject yourself along the way. And the more you seek for love, the less you’ll find it. Surprisingly enough, when you fall in love with life as it is, many will easily fall in love with you and try to change it, simply because that is what love is, the music nobody listens but everyone wants to dance to and play. Sometimes you don’t want to love, but everyone wants to love you, everyone is secretly loving you and desiring you and only you.
― Robin Sacredfire
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