who knows what the chances are out there, of survival, yours? I will say, you, you like an old love song. You can mean more than one. You can mean thousands. I am nor in any immediate danger, I’ll say to you.I’ll pretend you can hear me. but it`s no good because I know you can’t. ― Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale

who knows what the chances are out there, of survival, yours? I will say, you, you like an old love song. You can mean more than one. You can mean thousands. I am nor in any immediate danger, I'll say to you.I'll pretend you can hear me. but it`s no good because I know you can't.
― Margaret Atwood,
The Handmaid's Tale
who knows what the chances are out there, of survival, yours? I will say, you, you like an old love song. You can mean more than one. You can mean thousands. I am nor in any immediate danger, I'll say to you.I'll pretend you can hear me. but it`s no good because I know you can't. ― Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale

who knows what the chances are out there, of survival, yours? I will say, you, you like an old love song. You can mean more than one. You can mean thousands. I am nor in any immediate danger, I’ll say to you.I’ll pretend you can hear me. but it`s no good because I know you can’t.
― Margaret Atwood,

The Handmaid’s Tale

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