William snorts and wakes up, his hair wild and waving like silver palm fronds. He looks like he might have had a bad dream, and Clare smiles to comfort him. He looks at her as if he’s never seen her, or never seen her like this, which isn’t so;he’s seen her a hundred times just like this, seated across from him deep in thought,flinging her legs over the arm of the chair to get comfortable.”Oh,here you are”,he says. ― Amy Bloom, Where the God of Love Hangs Out: Fiction

William snorts and wakes up, his hair wild and waving like silver palm fronds. He looks like he might have had a bad dream, and Clare smiles to comfort him. He looks at her as if he's never seen her, or never seen her like this, which isn't so;he's seen her a hundred times just like this, seated across from him deep in thought,flinging her legs over the arm of the chair to get comfortable.
William snorts and wakes up, his hair wild and waving like silver palm fronds. He looks like he might have had a bad dream, and Clare smiles to comfort him. He looks at her as if he's never seen her, or never seen her like this, which isn't so;he's seen her a hundred times just like this, seated across from him deep in thought,flinging her legs over the arm of the chair to get comfortable."Oh,here you are",he says. ― Amy Bloom, Where the God of Love Hangs Out: Fiction

William snorts and wakes up, his hair wild and waving like silver palm fronds. He looks like he might have had a bad dream, and Clare smiles to comfort him. He looks at her as if he’s never seen her, or never seen her like this, which isn’t so;he’s seen her a hundred times just like this, seated across from him deep in thought,flinging her legs over the arm of the chair to get comfortable.”Oh,here you are”,he says.
― Amy Bloom,

Where the God of Love Hangs Out: Fiction

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