With a brutal tug he pulled off her bathrobe before she had. time to resist and he loomed over an abyss of newly washed nudity whose skin color, lines of fuzz, and hidden moles had all been imagined in the shadows of the other rooms. ― Gabriel García Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude

With a brutal tug he pulled off her bathrobe before she had. time to resist and he loomed over an abyss of newly washed nudity whose skin color, lines of fuzz, and hidden moles had all been imagined in the shadows of the other rooms.
― Gabriel García Márquez,
One Hundred Years of Solitude
With a brutal tug he pulled off her bathrobe before she had. time to resist and he loomed over an abyss of newly washed nudity whose skin color, lines of fuzz, and hidden moles had all been imagined in the shadows of the other rooms. ― Gabriel García Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude

With a brutal tug he pulled off her bathrobe before she had. time to resist and he loomed over an abyss of newly washed nudity whose skin color, lines of fuzz, and hidden moles had all been imagined in the shadows of the other rooms.
― Gabriel García Márquez,

One Hundred Years of Solitude

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