Women were tough as nails…and melty as butter when you loved them and showed them affection. Men couldn’t hope to be as dynamic as them; men ought to treat them better, in order to reap the rewards. ― Lauren Gilley, Snow in Texas

Women were tough as nails…and melty as butter when you loved them and showed them affection. Men couldn’t hope to be as dynamic as them; men ought to treat them better, in order to reap the rewards.
― Lauren Gilley,
Snow in Texas
Women were tough as nails…and melty as butter when you loved them and showed them affection. Men couldn’t hope to be as dynamic as them; men ought to treat them better, in order to reap the rewards. ― Lauren Gilley, Snow in Texas

Women were tough as nails…and melty as butter when you loved them and showed them affection. Men couldn’t hope to be as dynamic as them; men ought to treat them better, in order to reap the rewards.
― Lauren Gilley,

Snow in Texas

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