You told me this wasn’t a formal date when you invited me to come. Why should I care if you have a girlfriend?””Absolutely,” he said, giving me a fake-serious look. “Yeah, you and I are just friends . . . out for a friendly walk. Nothing more, nothing less.””Exactly!” I agreed, my heart giving a painful twist.He broke into a large grin and, leaning over, kissed me on the cheek. “Kate,” he whispered, “you are way too gullible. ― Amy Plum, Die for Me

You told me this wasn't a formal date when you invited me to come. Why should I care if you have a girlfriend?
You told me this wasn't a formal date when you invited me to come. Why should I care if you have a girlfriend?""Absolutely," he said, giving me a fake-serious look. "Yeah, you and I are just friends . . . out for a friendly walk. Nothing more, nothing less.""Exactly!" I agreed, my heart giving a painful twist.He broke into a large grin and, leaning over, kissed me on the cheek. "Kate," he whispered, "you are way too gullible. ― Amy Plum, Die for Me

You told me this wasn’t a formal date when you invited me to come. Why should I care if you have a girlfriend?””Absolutely,” he said, giving me a fake-serious look. “Yeah, you and I are just friends . . . out for a friendly walk. Nothing more, nothing less.””Exactly!” I agreed, my heart giving a painful twist.He broke into a large grin and, leaning over, kissed me on the cheek. “Kate,” he whispered, “you are way too gullible.
― Amy Plum,

Die for Me

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